Friday 18 September 2015

Please help my friends charity!

Hey guys! I know this is very 'Off - topic' considering the fact that this is a 'Kim Hyun Joong' website >.< but please please help my friend ar-jay to donate for the charity! It would be wonderful if you guys could just share this website of his to any social media/apps you have! Thank you! It will mean a lot for me and my friend! Most Importantly, to the charity! ^^ 

Here's the link:

Wednesday 25 February 2015


Hello guys! It's been a long time since I updated this blog >< sorry if I wasn't able to keep up! I've been too busy with studies! This blog may be postponed  for a while :/ i'l still be supporting our Hyun Joong! Let's give him full love and support to him (: and congratulate him with his new japanese song "still" ^^